Spider-Man: No Way Home Official Trailer 2


“How do you tell someone that you’re Spider-Man? Now everyone knows!” Thanks to Mysterio at the end of Far From Home, the world knows who Spider-man is and he wants to make people forget that he is.

Unmasked and unable to separate his normal life from his responsibilities as a superhero, Peter asks Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) to make the world forget he’s Spider-Man. When the sorcerer casts a dangerous spell that tampers with the stability of spacetime — and the Multiverse — Strange warns: “Be careful what you wish for, Parker.”

The third film in the trilogy from Sony Pictures and co-producers Marvel StudiosNo Way Home takes a swing through the Spider-Verse when Multiversal villains vanquished by the Spider-Men of other universes (Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield) make their way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the stakes higher and more dangerous than ever before, Spider-Man will face sinister supervillains Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina), Electro (Jamie Foxx), Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), Lizard (Rhys Ifans), and the Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe). 

Only feels like yesterday, we got the first teaser trailer!

The second trailer to Spider-Man: No Way Home has arrived, and fans simply can’t get enough. The extended clip features the return of characters like Green Goblin and Electro—and it even shows off some of Spidey’s new suits. With Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) serving as a supporting character in the film, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is gifted an “Integrated Suit,” one that looks like the Iron Spider suit he’s worn since Avengers: Infinity War. One major change, however, is that it apparently has some of Strange’s magic embedded in it somehow.

Spider-Man No Way Home, Spider-Man: No Way Home Official Trailer 2

Spider-Man: No Way Home hits cinemas on December 16th here in Australia, so only 1 more month of waiting spidey fans!

Are you excited for this one? Let us know what you think

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Kevin Smith
Performance Parts Sale Rep by day Sneakerhead, Craft Beer Connoisseur, Gym Junkie, Pop Culture/Nerd/Geek in my sparetime!